85 N. Garfield St.
Coal City, IL 60416
815-634-2950 FAX

Mon. - Thurs. 9AM - 8 PM
Friday 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 4 PM
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CCPLD Hotspots

CCPLD cardholders 18 years and older may check out one of the library's 50 mobile hotspots. A hotspot is an internet data plan that can be used while traveling or for those who need access to WiFi. Up to 10 devices can be hooked up to a single hotspot.

Hotspot Information:

** HotSpot Agreement Form must be signed before checkout - and will remain in effect for 1 year
** Check out is for 1 week
** $2.00/day late fee

The hotspots are CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) compliant which means they may limit access to some adult content.

There are some reports of issues when connecting a gaming console to our hotspots. This is a known issue with the T-Mobile network.

If you are having issues connecting your gaming console to the hotspot, try this method:

* connect your cell phone to the hotspot
* look up your wifi connection on your phone - press the “I” for info next to it
* copy the numbers etc.
* manually put those into your game console to connect - you don’t need the secondary DNS
* this will open a port on the T-Mobile network to allow your gaming system to connect to the hotspot